Legislative Assembly of Tonga | Fale Alea o Tonga https://parliament.gov.to/ Wed, 25 Sep 2024 07:44:20 +1300 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb Protest march outside Parliament against CEDAW https://parliament.gov.to/media-centre/latest-news/latest-news-in-english/355-protest-march-outside-parliament-against-cedaw https://parliament.gov.to/media-centre/latest-news/latest-news-in-english/355-protest-march-outside-parliament-against-cedaw

THE Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Tonga, Lord Tu’ivakano today received a petition from the Catholic Women’s League in protest against the ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women or CEDAW.

sioto.fine@gmail.com (Webmaster) Featured Latest News In English Latest News Media Centre Parliament Data-Articles Tue, 19 May 2015 13:41:14 +1300
Tonga and the world are vulnerable to threats of illegal arms trade https://parliament.gov.to/media-centre/latest-news/latest-news-in-english/354-tonga-and-the-world-are-vulnerable-to-threats-of-illegal-arms-trade https://parliament.gov.to/media-centre/latest-news/latest-news-in-english/354-tonga-and-the-world-are-vulnerable-to-threats-of-illegal-arms-trade

THE world including Tonga is immune to the terrible human consequences of the poor regulation of international arms trade.

sioto.fine@gmail.com (Webmaster) Featured Latest News In English Latest News Media Centre Parliament Data-Articles Mon, 18 May 2015 14:03:03 +1300
Legislative Assembly to host Arms Trade Treaty workshop https://parliament.gov.to/media-centre/latest-news/latest-news-in-english/353-legislative-assembly-to-host-arms-trade-treaty-workshop https://parliament.gov.to/media-centre/latest-news/latest-news-in-english/353-legislative-assembly-to-host-arms-trade-treaty-workshop

THE Legislative Assembly of Tonga will host a two day Regional Parliamentary Workshop next Monday, from May 18-19 to promote ratification and implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in the Pacific.

sioto.fine@gmail.com (Webmaster) Featured Latest News In English Latest News Media Centre Parliament Data-Articles Sat, 16 May 2015 11:47:43 +1300