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Siaosi Pohiva has been sworn in as number one People Representative of Tongatapu in the Legislative Assembly of Tonga.

He took his oath and swore to abide by the Constitution and the Law of Tonga and to perform his utmost in the best interest of the public.

Pohiva won Tongatapu 1 by-election in November last year, 16 votes ahead of his opponent Dr. Netatua Prescott.

He replaces the former MP of his constituency, his late father and former Prime Minister, Hon. ‘Akilisi Pohiva who passed away last year.

Meanwhile, Parliament is adjourned until further notice. This is to allow Members of the Committee that responded to the King’s royal address to seek an audience with his Majesty.

It is to convey the Legislative Assembly’s response to the King’s state opening address from the throne.