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What's happening now in the Parliament?

The Standing Committee on Legislation held a meeting today to review draft reports on six bills currently under consideration. This meeting marks the first session of the Committee for 2025.

Committee members will be briefed on the progress of their work regarding these bills, which include:

  • Electronic Transaction Bill 2024: This bill aims to advance the development of Tonga’s digital economy.
  • Tonga Police Amendment No. 2 Bill 2024: This amendment proposes changes to Section 26 of the Criminal Offences Act, giving the Court the discretion to determine appropriate imprisonment periods based on the seriousness of the offense as a deterrent.
  • Inquests Bill 2024: This bill seeks to repeal the existing Inquest Act and provide a legal framework for conducting inquests to determine the cause of sudden deaths and investigate surrounding circumstances. (Fika 22/2024)
  • Cybersecurity Bill 2024: This bill aims to promote the development of digital government and enhance cybersecurity in the Kingdom. (Fika 23/2024)
  • Consumer Amendment Bill 2024 (Private Member Bill): This bill proposes new provisions to criminalize anti-competitive conduct, ensuring that markets for goods remain competitive, innovative, and beneficial to consumers. (Fika 24/2024)
  • Ombudsman Amendment Bill 2024 (Private Member Bill): This bill seeks to prohibit discrimination in government programs and the administration of laws based on factors such as gender, race, disability, religious or political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, or age.

These bills—both public and private—have been referred from Parliament for further review by the Law Committee.