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Petitions communicate concern

Petitions are a way of contributing directly to the House on a matter that members of society feel strongly about. It is a way of ensuring parliamentary accountability and transparency. Petitions must be lodged with the Clerk, and has to follow parliamentary protocols.

Clause 8 of the Tongan Constitution
Freedom of petition.

All people shall be free to send letters or petitions to the King or Legislative Assembly and to meet and consult concerning matters about which they think it right to petition the King or Legislative Assembly to pass or repeal enactments provided that they meet peaceably without arms and without disorder.

Presentations of petitions

The petitions is signed by a member who is to ensure that the petition respects the House's rules.

This strengthens the representational nature of the MP's work.

A petition shall be –
  1. be clearly written;
  2. typed; or
  3. printed;
  4. record the summary of the prayers on the top of each signature page recording the signatures of the petitioners; and
  5. be the original of each of the pages of the petition and not copies,

and signed by three or more persons.