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Petitions are a way of contributing directly to the House on a matter that members of society feel strongly about. It is a way of ensuring parliamentary accountability and transparency. Petitions must be lodged with the Clerk, and has to follow parliamentary protocols.
All people shall be free to send letters or petitions to the King or Legislative Assembly and to meet and consult concerning matters about which they think it right to petition the King or Legislative Assembly to pass or repeal enactments provided that they meet peaceably without arms and without disorder.
The petitions is signed by a member who is to ensure that the petition respects the House's rules.
This strengthens the representational nature of the MP's work.
and signed by three or more persons.
The Legislative Assembly (Parliament) is the central institution through which both the Nobles and the People’s views are represented and expressed. Its core function is to make law. Since the Constitutional and electoral form that culminated in elections in 2010, the Legislative Assembly now elects the Prime Minister and is responsible for holding the Executive to account.
The Committee system enables members of Parliament to examine issues in more detail than is usually possible within the Legislative Assembly.
Parliamentary Committees can also provide the public with an opportunity to comment on and suggest changes to impending legislation (laws or regulations), and to participate in other parliamentary functions such as inquires.
The key objective of the committee system is to contribute to the work of the Legislative Assembly by inquiring into and reporting on a broad range of issues. Through inquiries, parliamentary committees carry out in-depth evaluation, analysis and review of work currently before or intended to be tabled and discussed in the Legislative Assembly. Its findings and recommendations on specific issues are tabled in the Legislative Assembly.
Some parliamentary committees play a critical role in scrutinizing the work of the Executive (Ministries and agencies).
Parliamentary committees are the operational arm of the Legislative Assembly, responsible for interacting with the Executive and line ministries, non-government organiza-tions and the public at large. It is also a key component of the new constitutional framework in that it provides people with a forum in which they can directly voice their concerns to the Legislative Assembly.
The Committee of the Whole House is made up of all the members of parliament. It sits at the same time as the Legislative Assembly.
The key distinction between the Committee of the Whole House and the Legislative Assembly is that the Committee of the Whole House has more flexible rules and less formalities and protocols. As such, the Legislative Assembly often resolves itself to the Committee of the Whole House so that issues can be discussed by members in more detailed and in a manner that is less formal.
There are two types of Parliamentary Committees, namely-
Standing Committees are established at the beginning of the parliamentary term and continue until the Legislative Assembly is dissolved after 4 years for elections. As such, they are considered to be permanent or ‘standing’ committees.
There are currently 11 Standing Committees which provide continuity for related business of the Legislative Assembly.
In addition to Standing Committees, the Legislative Assembly can also establish ad hoc committees to undertake specific tasks. In 2023 there were a total of 4 Select Committees through established by the Legislative Assembly.
Select Committees are temporary committees. It will automatically dissolve when it has completed its work unless the Legislative Assembly extends the scope of its work.
Select Committees allow members to delve in-depth into a particular issue that is not captured within the terms of reference of Standing Committees.
The 11 Standing Committees and their respective roles in the Legislative Assembly are as follows:
Select Committees are setup by Resolution of Parliament to focus on a particular area/issue requiring Parliament's attention. Normally, the Select Committee dissolves when it completes and submits its final report on matters referred to it from Parliament.
Select Committees in the current Parliamentary term includes-